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- #include <GUIConstants.au3>
- ;example1 ---------------------------
- GUICreate(" My GUI Icons")
- $icon = GUICtrlCreateIcon ("shell32.dll",10, 20,20)
- $icon2 = GUICtrlCreateIcon ("explorer.icl",10, 20,80)
- $icon3 = GUICtrlCreateIcon ("explorer.icl",6, 80,80)
- $n1=GUICtrlCreateIcon (@windowsdir & "\cursors\horse.ani",-1, 20,120,32,32)
- $n2=GUICtrlCreateIcon ("shell32.dll",7 ,20,160,32,32)
- GUISetState ()
- ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
- While 1
- $msg = GUIGetMsg()
- If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
- Wend
- ; example2 ---------------------------
- Opt("GUICoordMode",1)
- GUICreate("My GUI icon Race", 350,74,-1,-1)
- GUICtrlCreateLabel ("", 331,0,1,74,5)
- $n1=GUICtrlCreateIcon (@windowsdir & "\cursors\dinosaur.ani", -1, 0,0,32,32)
- $n2=GUICtrlCreateIcon ( @windowsdir & "\cursors\horse.ani", -1, 0,40,32,32)
- GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)
- Dim $a = 0, $b = 0
- While ($a < 300) And ($b < 300)
- $a = $a + int(Random(0,1)+0.5)
- $b = $b + int(Random(0,1)+0.5)
- GUICtrlSetPos($n1, $a,0)
- GUICtrlSetPos($n2, $b,40)
- Sleep(20)
- WEnd
- sleep(1000)